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Dear Future Husband

Ladies, who doesn’t want to get married? Who doesn’t want that beautiful convent God ordained us to experience? Who doesn’t want a beautiful family and a legacy? I know I do! Growing up I didn’t have both parents but I had both parents. If that makes sense! I had my mother but she was a single mother. My father was in my life but wasn’t in my life fully. I want a family where my children have both of their parents together under one roof! Loving each other and raising our kids to be great! It take love and a village to raise children! In today’s society, Satan is destroying the foundation which is family. So I write this letter to my future husband and ladies you may recite this as well. Don’t give up hope! Whoever God has for and believe he is out there! Whatever you do, never mess with another woman’s husband. He isn’t yours he is for her!

Dear future husband, I ask God to send you to me everyday in my prayers. I know you are out there waiting on me as I wait on you. With God as the head of my life, I will be the best wife possible to you! You will be able to safely trust in me because my price is far above from rubies. I will love you unconditionally. I will respect you as my husband. With Christ as the head of your life, I will trust in you as the head of my life and the family we will build. I will be your best friend, your lover, plus more! My love for you will grow stronger every single day! We will laugh together, pray together, cry together, fellowship together, be always together and heal together. We will never hurt each other or say mean things. We will own property and businesses together. I love you. I am in love with you and who you are. I know you are out there waiting on me and as I take this journey to get closer to God everyday, I know I will meet you there. You mean the world to me and I cannot wait to meet you so we can go to the next level. I am and will forever be yours. You are my husband, my lover, my rock, my goto, my king and my everything. Until we meet, stay blessed and on the path of righteousness. I am right behind you every step of the way. Love you future wife, Victoria

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