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Not the year of clear vision

Wheeeew chile...where do I start? 2020 has been a HUGE pain in the butt for the ENTIRE world! It's so crazy how things can change just like **that (snaps finger)** and you have to adjust. You know what guys, life is not easy at all. But I'm sure you knew that.

Anywho, the things we've been going through has been for a reason. We must experience things in life in order to grow, move to the next phase and see things for what they truly are. Also, I believe God is relieving things to us in these last days. Here we thought 2020 was going to be the year of clear vision and boy did we get a surprise! More like year of the...never mind Ima keep that to myself.

The entire world shut down, there was a killer virus on the loose, we got $1200 (Yay ^_^) LOL, and so much other things happened. My thing is this, in the midst of all this chaos we should be getting right with God and ourselves. This pandemic has put a lot of stress and a lot of people into situations that is going to be hard for them to get over. But no matter what if you keep going and taking each day at a time, we can and will make it through. For those who truly believe can vouch.

Sometimes bad things happen before the good can come about. With the time that we had while being quarantined, I hope majority of the people used it wisely. Not just binge watching TV, staying on social media day and night, or eating up all the snacks because they had nothing else better to do. That time could have and should have been used for self development. Learning how to get stronger everyday. Working on your craft and what makes you happy. Giving 100% to yourself so you could give that same 100% to those around you.

I hope that $1200 was used to either pay bills or debt, feed the family or start a business. Every day that we wake up we are giving an opportunity to start fresh. Isn't that amazing???? To be better than the day before! We all get the same 24 hours in a day. There is 168 hours in a week. To be successful majority of that must be spent towards production. If you've been thinking about starting that business...START IT! Don't spend the rest of your life regretting, doing nothing and working a 9-5 until you can't no more!

LEAVE a legacy behind! BUILD an empire! TEACH the next generation! We must make a way for our children's children children. In the bible God sent a great flood to destroy every living creature away except Noah and his family. If He did it once, He will do it again. The signs are around us. We have to make the DECISION to change and be that change the FUTURE needs. Speak what you seek until you see what you said!

I hope this post reached someone who needed to hear it. I just want you to know I am not better than you, I am you. We are all unique in our own ways but we're very much the same. I bleed you bleed. I cry you cry. I hurt you hurt. I love you and I hope that you realize that the world needs you. It's bigger than you!

© 2020 Website by Vickdaboo Productions

Unknown Track - Unknown Artist
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